MARGINSMART® Releases Smart Milk Basis
GREEN BAY, WI — Effective today, MARGINSMART makes the Smart Milk Basis program available to dairy producers across the United States. MARGINSMART has worked diligently with its customers to inform them of milk basis related items and show the impacts on the dairy farm’s financial results. MARGINSMART has customers who ship milk to many privately and cooperatively owned plants, and has a wealth of information related to how plants are paying dairy farms for milk. This has changed significantly over the past 3 years. Customers have asked MARGINSMART to provide a special report to address this for their individual dairy; and to create a peer group to compare to other farms and their Federal Milk Marketing Order. Since this program can be beneficial to ALL dairy farms, MARGINSMART is making this available to both MARGINSMART and non-MARGINSMART customers. Here are a few key highlights of the program:
- Customers can choose to have the analysis done either one time for 2014 through September 2017 or monthly going forward – or both.
- The analysis will break down the following comparisons of each dairy farm’s milk basis and net mailbox price to all milk produced in the farm’s Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) and all other farms in the MARGINSMART Smart Milk Basis project
- Component percentages of butterfat, protein and other solids
- Payment per pound by the farm’s plant for the various components
- Producer price differentials (PPD) and market adjustments paid by the farm’s plant
- All other premiums paid by the farm’s plant
- Hauling charges, check-offs and other assessments applied against the farm’s net milk pay price
- The program will keep each farm’s info confidential as it relates to other customers in the peer group.
- Customers will see key differences in PPD amounts, how their plant is truly paying them versus the FMMO prices, how their component % and prices vary and the dollar impact of all these various items (adjusted for component percentages), and the net impact of mailbox price after hauling deductions to show true comparisons (again adjusted for component % differences to show true amounts)
- The report will include various charts and graphs which show both per cwt amounts and total dollar amounts based on the actual customer’s milk production
- When there are enough customers for a dairy processor in a FMMO, reports may also compare the pay differences of dairy plants as well.
- Most dairy plants have website access to each farms info. If this is provided to MARGINSMART, it makes the transfer of info very seamless and easy.
- All reports will be sent via email; however printed reports can be requested.
The cost for the Smart Milk Basis program is just $400 for the “One Time” analysis which compares the January 2014 – September 2017 period including one overall report. The cost for each 12-month period is also $400, but will include 12 individual monthly reports. If both are ordered, a $100 discount is offered. As an additional bonus, customers will receive a FREE subscription to the MARGINSMART newsletter for one year (a $300 value) with either order. For more information on the Smart Milk Basis program, please call Mark Linzmeier at 877-474-7589 or 920-264-9139
- October 31, 2015 – RELEASE OF VERSION 4.0
In an effort to continue to be on the cutting edge of projection management MARGINSMART® has released Version 4.0! This version’s key items include an easy to view and input grid to manage base rations and actual feeding rates to account for what is actually projected to be fed; including added feed intake, feeding for weighbacks/refusals and adjusting for weather and milk production changes throughout the year. Version 4.0 also includes the option for users to implement a feed efficiency concept for one or more lactating rations or months. This can be used in conjunction with the feeding percentages to manage overall feed consumption and expected milk production. Additional reports are also included. Please read the press release below for more info!
Press Release MARGINSMART® Version 4.0!
- Linzmeier Business Solutions Now Owns 100% of MARGINSMART®
Linzmeier Business Solutions is excited to announce that it has now purchased the remaining 50% of MARGINSMART® so it now owns 100% of the company. This will allow great synergies for existing customers that utilize both company’s services and provide opportunities for other customers to consider linking their services.
- June 25, 2015: Progressive Dairyman Article by: MARGINSMART®’s President Mark Linzmeier
How to Determine Your Dairy’s True Ration Cost – This is the the title of the article Mark Linzmeier wrote for Progressive Dairyman in the June 25th publication. To read this article click on the link below:
Progressive Dairyman – How to Determine Your Dairy’s True Ration Cost 6-25-15
- February 7, 2015: Progressive Dairyman Article by: MARGINSMART®’s President Mark Linzmeier
How to Project Your Dairy’s True Production, Break-Even Cost – This is the the title of the article Mark Linzmeier wrote for Progressive Dairyman in the February 7th publication. To read this article click on the the link below:
Progressive Dairyman – True BreakEven Cost – Linzmeier 2-7-15
- January 1, 2015: Progressive Dairyman’s Technology Test Drive: Results are In
The final reports are in by 2 dairies who test-drove MARGINSMART® for the 2014 year. Learn what these two dairies have to say about their experience with MARGINSMART®. See the link below for the article.
- November 25, 2014
The Dairy 30X20 Initiative application for 2015 is now available and is due on January 15th. Contact us at MARGINSMART® to learn more on the program and how we will help you with the process.
- November 27, 2014
MARGINSMART® President/CEO Mark Linzmeier was interviewed by Market Rally’s Chip Flory which was aired on Thanksgiving day. Below is an audio link of Mark’s interview on MARGINSMART®.
- November 25, 2014
Walt Cooley Editor of Progressive Dairyman magazine has published his fourth article on dairymen test driving MARGINSMART® as part of the Peer Technology program. Here is a link to the article.
- October 1, 2014
- August 25, 2014
Walt Cooley Editor of Progressive Dairyman magazine has published his third article on dairymen test driving MARGINSMART® as part of the Peer Technology program. Here is a link to the article.
- May 25, 2014
Walt Cooley Editor of Progressive Dairyman magazine has published his second article on dairymen test driving MARGINSMART® as part of the Peer Technology program. Here is a link to the article.
May 6, 2014
We are proud to announce the release of our Version 3.0! This provides even more power to our existing and new customers. Please read here… MARGINSMART® Releases Version 3
April 14, 2014
MARGINSMART® Welcomes Curtis Gerrits as Sales Manager
December 9, 2013
- May 14, 2013
President Mark Linzmeier guest appearance on WCUB Cub Radio’s Breakfast Club
- April 30, 2013
New Software Tracks Real-Time Margins by Progressive Dairyman
- April 24, 2013
MARGINSMART® Price Calculation Targets
February 20, 2013
Featured as a “Cool Product at World Ag Expo” by Progressive Dairyman
January 31, 2013
New Product Watch on DairyLine Radio Second Segment
- January 24, 2013
New Product Watch on DairyLine Radio
MARGINSMART® is Available For Dairy Producers (Press Release)
MARGINSMART® Lands Cover Story in “American Dairymen” Magazine (Read More)